About Liza, Archibald and The Small World

Small World by Liza and Archibald is a creative collaboration between an extraordinary feline and his human assistant.  You can read more about their special relationship and how the name “Small World” came about in their first post.


Archibald is a Sydney based Cornish Rex who spends a few moments each day on his creative pursuits. When not blogging or inspiring others his interests include intense relaxation, sunbeam detection, culinary critique and unique household redecoration. In his busy life he also manages a team of feline associates (Soho, Atticus Catticus and Sam).


lizaLiza is Head Personal Assistant to Archibald. When not attending to his extensive requirements and maintaining his website, Liza enjoys feline photography, curating an extensive feline art collection and wearing quirky feline fashion. Like Archibald, Liza has been known to enjoy fine dining and practicing the art of intense relaxation as inspired by her feline companions (sunbeams preferred). Liza also runs her own consulting firm called Small Solutions which you can read more about here.