OK so I have a problem – a major addiction to buying feline themed coffee table books! There are several books on my current wish list – here are my top 3 picks!
The Big New Yorker Book of Cats

I have had a LONG love affair with The New Yorker – with many of their feline cover prints adorning the walls of my home. They have a long tradition of animal themed contributions including works by Ronald Searle, Margaret Atwood, Roald Dahl, Haruki Murakami, and John Updike to name but a few. This fantastic anthology seems to be the definitive collection and you can get it here.
The Elegance of the Cat: An Illustrated History
(Also listed as “The Grace of the Cat”). I’m an absolute sucker for looking at pictorial cat books and dreaming of collecting every gorgeous breed! This book contains a comprehensive history of the species and many breeds, including beautiful pictures by Astrid Harrisson. The good news is it’s currently on sale at Amazon.com
Catification: Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!)

And last but not least – the definitive guide to a cat-friendly home! Co-written by the cat-daddy himself Jackson Galaxy and Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther, this book is guaranteed to help you establish a happy and health home for you and your feline friends. It’s packed full of pictures and tutorials to help you enrich the lives of your indoor cats. A must read for any feline household – grab it here.
All three of these books are available from Amazon.com via the links above, or at bookstore near you!